2022 National Youth Convention


2022 Theme: Forging Identity and Building Community

The 2022 UCA National Youth Convention was a successful three days, beginning with a Congressional Day, in which members spoke to their state representative to ask for potential reforms that protect Asian Americans. During the convention, we had an opportunity to speak to other enthusiastic individuals and listen to exceptional Asian leaders inform Asian youth through discussion panels related to civic activism, forging identity as an Asian American, volunteering, intergenerational dialogue, and more! We also had the opportunity to explore and even join the amazing work of AAPI youth organizations!

Mission Statement

The United Chinese Americans Youth Leadership Council is a national nonprofit organization led by Asian American youth dedicated to creating an environment of cultural celebration and political voice. Our mission is to empower young people through nonpartisan civic engagement and community enrichment, opening doorways for new opportunities to forge blossoming identities. 

Through our D.C.-based National Youth Convention, we aim to mobilize our Chinese and Asian youth with a variety of different opportunities, including panels led by rising AAPI public figures, youth organization showcases, and enrichment opportunities. We are grateful to our partners, whose impactful collaboration has deepened the influence of this event and brought engaging programming to our participants. Ultimately, this convention is a cultural, social, and political experience intended to create a space where Asian American youth can belong. 

Through the efforts of the Youth Leadership Council, we hope to fuel a movement of passionate political identity and strong cultural connection.

2022 UCA National Youth Convention Images